Thursday, January 6, 2011

Do you know why you build connections on Linked IN?

To not have more business to the person that you have connected, because the competion will monitor you, any attempt to make buisiness by that connection will fail. There are software specifically build to monitor anomalies, that is why social networks were built, detect anomalies, problem is that everybody made a lot of money last decade with books about image, self image, and this is a lie. 

With few exceptions this is a lie, persons make connections to manipulate their reality at work, means do not work, generating anomalies that are not well understood by economists. Why such anomalies happen, let's make a composition to provide a solution, yes and no, almost all "Big players" don't need to more form connections between them. 

An example was given by Oracle last week, do your job that i do mine and we meet each other on OMG, W3, and so on, we don't want to talk with you anymore except in the Parliament. Because everybody now are realizing that social hacking is spread as a disease on Computer Technology. The field now came to other levels like "mind control", for example Network Operators, the baby boomers that have broke a decade ago, they sell the sold of good guy to grow again, this means monitoring or your employees or the competition. 

Photograph executives male and female in whorehouses, drunk, beaing part of orgy to fuck you up on radical countries. 2,3,4 means that if a executive is catch, he will be in disgrace, and will need to be adopted by a liberal company. There are the extreme radicals that sell technology of mass exterminium for countries looking for profit, then try to manipulate reality around to "forget about this stuff of history", this is not that things happens, liberals like history too, that is why Jimmy Walles have built a nice business model with a simple model of social network where persons are not connected. 

Show me what you have, and i put you here in my book.