Because they stay on flash dance then arrive at home and forget to select the photos, also they forget that actors are good on google, haven't born for charity, wanna live forever, are thieves, depraved, drug addicts, perverted, son of dogs, dissimulated, cinical, so, actors are all "women". Photographers aka, paparazzi don't know the difference between life and death, that is why they finish bad almost all times, sick, forgotten, inflated as a balloon by the boobs, and being considered by all world as "anus vermin", a new rythim and blux.
Look what happens with apache configuration of google docs, they are sending a X-Frame response without need, who have to handle with cross side scripting is the browser not the server. That is why google don't make money, marajas of the truth spread with certification on their sites, nobody want that shit code on google code, a repository of shit, that don't aggregate nothing for software community, stay looking there, and die of starvation.
Also there is a "validation" that some moron put on Blogger autopublishing queue, the fact now is why the need of the callback to bring all movies correctly? Probably is the following, you bring the image on iframe, the movie on the object and the callback is just the "on-click event", all of this to masquared "problems on browser code because" this is not necessary. Once the schizofrenic ignorant on C, C++ codes aka webmasters pressured by the "uselless breed" called "project managers" do this "even at tons", the code remains the same.
Pirates of bad conf
But no, they invent things like "wheels of fortune", but the date published remains bugged, in the mean time, nobody noticed such problems, afterall we have a mafia of schizofrenics that will die probably of brain diseases looking for all shit around to solve problems that are caused by persons that don't test obvious scenarios because remains reading security reports that they don't understand.