Monday, January 24, 2011


Well, the interest is everything, so is about nothing. The duality of all or none, but since today world continues a disaster, we discover that behind the scenes yes they stole groceries too. So far there is a chapter of Sink to watch, let's see what this is about. If there is beer, sex and girls seems to be good. If cannot afford now DreamWorks, but look how is a son of whore in action, he killed one, picked the money on name of others, has to pay like 200-300k and say that now, transfered the money for the whore. What a nice guy hum?

We can say that is one of the biggest son of bitch that have passed on earth. But this is to confirm that 'maybe' the history was the same, who were behind the assassination was the father. Rich business man, married with a nice girl, then born one son of who? Like even with the neighboor was close. Just the 'can' know the truth.

Then the expression for GIA another: Vati-can and in brazilian portuguse, Vati-Fude. In a multilanguage search system such things probably shall be grouped. But what is the distance on 'meaning between can and fude that is the question'.

can: displace: terminate the employment of; discharge from an office or position; "The boss fired his secretary today"; "The company terminated 25% of its workers.. well this is close with "fode" more the 'si foder".
foder - (vul.) prejudicar; deixar em péssimo estado;
see it is really close and shows a trasition of state. once fired you got fucked.

One thing important, ajusting the sitemap, can trow away the little adolf todo list out. Since you describe watheever you want, use cases, system, books, put the taxonomies on order, ajust the site map everyday and voila, little adolf todo list that was never used also can be forgotten. For films, books, is almost nice, need aways use 2 systems side by side, it is interesting. But the gadget need to float. Follow the window scroll might happen. See for a PSP, also if that gadgets from wave could be reused, another nice "toilet" "pra se fuder". A different perspective too see it self, systems and information.