Memories on surfing are just amazing, and correlation, better. I remember that i had a girlfriend during my almost teenager, shes was pretty nice, i had being kicked from a girlfriend that i have dated like 6 years, but had a problem, her mother was a "modern occupational therapist", aka, "a prostitute", but she was very fun. Then after several months we broke, and each one follow his own path. She always complained about the step father, the guy like to hunt her while the mother was working. The guy was a really jerk, infect he appeared in front of us once, he was selling cable television plans.
I saw her also on television, he was studying nursery, when i saw that, i thought, "well she will have a chance on life", like you born from a mother that is crazy, a step father hunting you, isn't a nice way to start the life. But then some day i was navigating and land on a weird site, "monster cocks", but was somehing amazing like i landed by the backdoor, they had problems with security then i could navigate all around.
For each thing there is another "thing", i found a girl that was "like her", if is not her, is like 99% like her, that let me depressed, you know, you find like "an ex-girlfriend (there is a chance that was her)" in a monster cock movie, is a nightmare, what is the chance of something like this happen? Like won on lottery here is easiest than such thing happen. This is the typical "fish fooler situation", i was just fucked up by my curiosity. That is why, thrid world war already started right here on WEB, nobody have yet declared.