Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"We are here to help", i am understanding how....

They are joinning with "top links", joinning main images with top links, what will be tomorrow the "top link", because news circle the world, i was just taking a read on ADP pdf, "Context is the king", they just copied the piramid that i pick yesterday to a new view in the modern world. Because portals consume from them "news" of what? For sure they "are there to the grave" go write a blog, "the association of Nikkon", the corporate of the lens, journalists and snitchers, you have actors and doubles, now journalists and snitchers, Buster Keaton rules, who cares about a man that take a plane in Turkey? The Turks, they are so adicted to publish such crap, in their main page, that forgot that "nobody gives a shit", this is news for the Gazettes, nobody is reading more this, but a guy jump from a building and stay walking is fun, who da hell he could do this.

We created a reader here to protect you authoral rights, if someone read is already a miracle, they never studied logics then remains on someone boots to take a picture, "picture of the year", they are becomming fun, the most horrible things will be the picture of the year, a punch of Malay recovering some human bones is the picture of the year, what the mercenaries does which is very usefull, prepare the mood for tomorrow, tomorrow is another day. She bag for clicks now, the task, "please a small mump", someone passing on row, and the poor girl in australia bag for a mump, a new form of "Dynamic Thather", change the ropes of a Dynamic Theather, which is fun, that is why change the face is important, the thing is becoming outdated, you have 263 protocol need a new one, some tool to change the picture very fast in your "profile", you wear a costume and bag for a mump.   

It is very important lady, with this pretty face nobody you give a mump, yoyu are healthy, can you ask to other, also the thing of the mojo, i am losing my mojo, they made me throw almost of tons of good jokes, there are persons which sell the soul to do that. No 4give for this, need to contact the idiots support. A company mounted by idiots, that survived until last year selling what they hate, the pope, freaks and pornography.