Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I am starting to understand english and well 'Google webmaster' tools, now that i realized, besides a dictator ship, without captain, ghost ship, the site map need to be inside a place where, well, need another program to put 'if it is possible', like the thing was left to 'we don't know who'. I am still suspecting that 'caribe pirates' is based on blogger. The search control is also a transformist, on first hit shows like 'you have 8pages' then you click the thing is transformed into 2, then 3. I always like to rememeber a friend mine that never programmed in his life telling that 'on google they don't like who make programs with defects'.

It is not a defect, it is a control that need programming a lot of programming to understand 'what is going on'. What is nice, is some critics of 'other platforms', such fanatics geeks, 'we will prosecute your company because you have modified the basic statements of direction of what we have planned aka enhanced the vm with nice controls'. Why i should do know, enter in a forum and wait the wrong answer? or read a documentation that is not well formed, starting to get better just few months ago ;-).

Also the entrance for the hacking on flash is that thing of objectid and embed, is from where that a good hacker can invade your machine (one of the holes). So 'the infamous iframe of html5 fix this problem after several years', i guess was some 'death treats' like 'better you stop with that'.

But if you will submit a site map, that in theory you have inside your site, why does not allow to submit a sitemap? Why should by inside the site? What is the difference? You send a file telling how the things works, that is why that i think that SEO requires money and someone inside google. Again and Again now the thing got inverted, you put in blog to go to application engine to read the blog and publish on appengine, do this make sense? but then you lost the nice mobile layout? Also, well... let me finish another video. I still don't know why the share is at 600 ;-)