Friday, February 11, 2011


Typical from fetid English, such people doesn't know what is boundary, 'look we will write a blog about a huge shit' called to psy from something that is another bullshit. The universe of such piece of shit persons of 'psyshit', is centered on a big hill of their shit of life. Besides that, they are from England, the land where the shit arrived and insist to remain. If there is a place where 'shit lives is there'. We are your friend, so, stay there, maybe tomorrow probably will have to face english persons around, it is elegant, you share space with such piece of pile of monster of shit give to some idiots a sense of status.

For me is a sense of disgusting. Besides trying to justify a correlation that is inexistent, still remain on some 'intellectual view from victorian era', infect england is like a piece of nothing surviving from a glory that don't belong to them, and trying to be something that is far away of what they are, see an orangotango and a english citzen can be leveled at same quality. But it is interesting how persons here in my country gave to them a lot of credit, historic illiteracy indeed. A lucky on Battle of Britain and Churchill is what they produced on XX century. Falklands are not 'nothing to put on credit' and basra have shown what they really are.

And they really are is just such parasite blog from somewhere that is trying to survive among Freud, Freud lived like 100years ago, was drug addicted, and had to live with problematic persons, so his history is a common place on almost all citizens life since the begin of what we know as civilization. That is because you have a 'breed of persons' that don't do nothing, gain some title of boring sheisse, neither know how to write nothing fun, just analysing, like my nephew is a lepra, he decided to study such stuff, neither the beard that retard shave, and talk with all property as he is a great master of the truth. The only good person that i knew that was a psychologist was mad, infect was a woman. If the guy is a man and decide such carrer, is half man, is that person that aways is asking about his solitude, 'how i suffer alone', a 'pussy with nothing between the legs'.

Existencial problems is for women, men with existential problems have a genetic problem, is a woman that have born with a penis. Infect i knew someone like that, his line of therapy is based on inject homossexualism on criminals. Probably he has such fantasies with criminals at night, 'look someone have killed 78 and got regret, well, this is what he talk now that have quit to kill people, in any normal country such type of persons probably will burn in an electrical chair and every body but every body that watch will just applause'. If you kill 78 or more, don't tell me that god have forgive you, 'god doesn't exist in the eyes of any normal person that read like 2-3 books about phylosophy and science'.

To sustain the argument we first need to show, is god man or woman? if does not have sex, why the word is masculine? God is gay, because created first a man? since the word is masculine, isn't normal first he had created a woman as the science shows, so on the eyes of the religion such criminals have mercy, this is what we are going to in XXI century, went back like 10 centuries to a dark age, because we need god? for what? simple, we don't want to face the inevitable that we are not honest, we lie from the time that we wake up to the time of sleep, human been is a liar because believe on something that maybe is several years is obsolete.

Also lets take back to the example 'astronaut' i really like to enjoy with them, because since 40years ago, nobody landed on moon, the world is trying to be programmed to like 'photos of some place that we will never know and hyphotesis of places that neither can be true'. Such things are equivalent to gave the credit of the victory on WWII to americans, who won the war was russia, american gave food to sustain the russian soldier in front, something also that is ommited on history books, the debt on food that remains until today.

Also look china, the only good thing produced on China is a 'hyphotetical girl', she is a little yellow indeed, and have a face that is not friendly, probably like to watch executions on televicion.