Monday, February 7, 2011


This is a big question actually, how we can measure the density of idiots in world? Well, google just did it. I have found a report (first version) where they have estimated with predictors 'how idiots are distributed'. Was a big surprise that 'US is leading the research'. Followed by other minor countries, isn't incredible 'how they can do this?', such precise reports, was with support of Associated Press. Data gathered between the 80's until now.

"Continuing the novel".... A new chapter will be opened, infect there was a missing son, Ludwik on his travels by Russia found a woman and had a son with such woman, the son besides a bastard, was very estimated on Ludwik kingdom because was cruel and despotic. His name "Sein Auf Bit", see another word was found creating a weird correlation between German and English again, "auf bit' alfabet, so when the English were trying to learn how to read and write the germen already were calling them 'ignorant'. It is quite weird how they remain in peace last years, it is just navigate on their language and see 'how this is possible', but at that time the thing was not peace, infect was war at each year, just like 'European Champions league', but at end the prize were heads. Also he had a nasty nick name "Sein Auf Bit... das Ungeheuer von Colone"