The tale of the 64 forms of the mermaid, this is what we can call a BI for an artist, the 64forms and its variants, has a cost associate take care of the 64 forms and the variants. Like it is not charity, do charity for multimillionaires is like 'what i do to understand the control', an old breed called spam. But if you don't do this there is no manner to understand SEO technologies neither 'how to use the control'. But look that he got a book, several musics associated, a fast check now on how 'she is doing around' all for free. Probably the idioty of a breed of an angent aren't capable to do that without use the telephone and cost 'hundreds of thousands". The big threat is not annonymatum is 'for the breed that shall die, the human broker'. Human broker and shit is the same thing, is a piece of shit over a telephone telling lies, to do this 'computers are better'. Man is rediculous the 'meme effect', if we could measure the ugly effect of meme behavior around, this can reach in a sum ad infinictum. It is a clean machine. This is one is new.
Also look how the things need to evolute on FSM why i have to write 'style', i am giving an order for an automata, float left bastard. HTML is just assuming 'things that could solve' the problem of 'the FSM' is out of the context. But with too much formalist yet. But it is better than nothing. Also for write, 'all that prepare for CSS', uselless my friend, such tools don't work. It is called 'on demand styling', or you know or you 'don't know'. Hum got a message from the eagle, hot link not allowed, another thing to fix (fixed). Cloud tools the thing on all except propagation. What they don't know is that their name here is better to them increase the change to be found.