Anagrams of 'famous persons' is fun, like a half been piece of shit populates here, and probably make money with what? 'Shit', the self image of shit. Like, isn't fun, isn't a composer, it is just a piece of shit residing here being spoonsored by a 'half actrees, half model, 300% prostitute :P", it is part of her business, at least the infect photos of the poor crack addicted spread around on WEB seems to be bought. It is like everybody knows, 'here is the favela of the computing', you have all kind of shit living for years, merovingians of the trash, 'pussy cow army intruders', and what more, 'old persons plagiaries', making fame plagiarium 'aguilhona', look we liked that 'disc cover', then i will commit plagium and make money, because she doesn't have manners to prove the plagium.