Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Polymorphism - Inheritance - Encapsulation - Quite Obvious things, the problem is "how to create a class in Runtime?", or something that mimic a class where can be used a simple reflection mechanism to populate a bean that don't exists. "Filling the space with ether and continue to be real", see that several things blocks the creativity of a normal individual, the major one, is stop following the evolution of computer languages. This is real lobby generating losses.
First because,
- Modern frameworks aka "REST frameworks" try to simplify request mapping into a "request handler".
- Second Pojo are unecessary, was a mistaken take the JavaBeans to describe properties, Pojo also is not a BO, so, what was the problem.
- Everything started with struts, the dynabean and the support for an institution that first. - Don't pay your salary. They are employees for an institution feeding WEB with "design patterns" that were not designed for WEB. - IF you take a look on GOF patterns they were not programming WEB but Desktop apps, then the second generations created the J2EE, a giant formalization of a programming model that again were being driven of projects running on "paquidermus" institutions, mainly on teams that - First, aren't owners of the truth. - Second, work just for thieves. The Rounders....
See that "is not the is not cool', but took me an entire night to conclude the following, the thing is put on the struts-xml all properties, use it "as is", and next time try to scape from such things called "formalization" without format. Without formalization and structure infect you waste a lot of good space and time, like meetings, meetings are important, but they need some "direction", that is why such "sites" called, Enterprise Architecture and Best Practices are important and take time to develop, but it is incredible like "you spend a lot of time to populate POJOS all around" just to make a query with parameters that were filled with an alias (dictionary pair-value on theory), in a form. Isn't interesting like POJO`s are an anti-patterns, using JavaBean mechanism to waste a lot of time looking "how i will process a formulary". But it is not always that a HashMap shall be used, and look how interesting, instead to "continue with the good idea" and expand the implementation of DynaBeans, jump to some big version and call it 2.0.
See that on old times i usually like to believe that have some good meaning you use POJO`s but every time that i look on java.beans package i think, there is something wrong with this programming model, second and more deceptive is more than on time i`ve found bugs on reflection model that is why you see "components solving the problem of the java.lang.reflect". A BO have meaning, a HashMap with some integrity on properties too, but. ~Why the integrity don't came from the properties in the form?~ .... Another flaw, the FormBeanConfig is "hidden" layers deep.