Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Is it possible.... "probably", so many photons on photos... with "awsome, soberb, fine, perfect", that probably you get sick, and robots again. Such pest will not end, we need to deal with them, but this is the biggest problem on all such robots, they want you to swallow all the photos of the world. And the good stuff like some tools that are in the sea of WEB-APPS on chrome store take a "rare pass". But look how interesting, "how to pick the what is hot trail again", i suspect when i finish to write such stuff, maybe appear a "looking for what is hot?".

An almost living tool, about to live, now questions for "neuroscience", is it possible krank(sick) by the misc of photos and comments? We should not know, they need more "power users" to confirm the thesis, that "Google Have Bought" too many photographs, like what is the weight of all this photos on the datacenters? and the energy cost to keep all this "photos alive"? Several questions not 'yest' answered by the science of "Novel Computing", the tendency accordingly with "IBM" will decrease the amount of energy to keep the garbage "live" - *holy shit* i wrote their name i made a promise to penalty them until the end of my days, never wrote again, IBM, BBC, the engagement of BBC now is route "help Africa" to plus, but who asked to them? what is the purpose, "a small percentage of what is collected for sure", if "Uncle Sunk" learned the worst was with "little daddy", if you imagine that England was the Father of US, a midget has inseminate a giant in a cow, the "minus taurus", and checking another interesting aspects of WEB.

Why for example, some joke sites are a giant sickness source? Even some that fight to keep on air? By the quality of the jokes, for example "country definitions", on fact US is about to break a record, or already is the owner, the only country on world that since declared independence maintain a democratic regime, and what is interesting is the following, the war against England haven't finished yet, my personal war, Monarchies cannot be considered "democratic regimes", and i really don't understand why uncle sunk remains supporting indigent midgets, let them broke.

Even their concept of "augment reality" is flaw, according with observations their concept is based into cameras and hyper-invasive 'ubíquos" computing, not "just the observer and the ubíquos", external cameras are fantasy, from their regime of 'hyper-surveillance', all can be turned into some useless news or alert, it is not the same case of someone "putting up" the "self respect" of small villages, keeping their more focused on their "own business", this is "scam", even on big centers the thing start to became repetitive, but with geolocation and augmented reality you minimize the amount of information like for traffic to a specific range, such things the broadcast industry will want to manage, hyper-surveillance and augmented reality, a spook reality, i really prefer just the augmented part, but it seems that this will not happen, we try to follow the "monarchic regime", thinking that since you implement "hyper vigilance" the things will go better, don't think so, and the thing now is really a "simulation of augmented reality", you dope the individual then you try to drag him to some site "just in case", i don't think so, this is just tactics collected from Facebook, and what happens is that the numbers are a fantasy, it is not the first person that i listen that have abandoned "social networking" by the means that they try to use it. You know it is not a crime you let the thing opened in the browser, they know by early experiences that "red with alerts" will drag your attention, it is like that small ball of paper in your head, you want to keep the focus then came such "alert", so what to do ? do not +1 to not cause discomfort, follow the instructions to avoid social networks when infect can be used by multiple means that is not just announces, but also a "search history"[term from google], keeping a track showing how induction works, and how to avoid it, now i have a "mouse stress", 2 clicks, but i don't know, is it safe, if you try to be an analyst what should be done before an intentional like, also "is it possible that the like increases" the ad at a rate until you don't listen and see anymore the thing? Check the credentials of the "personnel", a whois, checking if they keep their records on WEB like "pros" not like "an old criminal following the news, that like to play with updates using google maps".

They are showing that they probably will change the tactics, treating users, offering prizes for "Windows user Heads", makes sense, they want to assure that "there are defects on air", trojans available, we really don't know from where it come from, probably "another experience", they made researches before, they want to go a step ahead and bring everybody with the same hell with them, at each new product a sample need to be taken and victims chosen with "likes". People with histories agreeing with everything, at this moment a lot of "cross side scripting", "pattern analysis", dunno if some "cookie hijacking", mail hijacking, or a trojan already running, clear the cache is a solution for what? if the problem comes from the browser cache for example, means that the cache is accessible by malicious scripts all times changing the search preferences. We don't know, it is a competition to show scientific results in tabular format, babies need food at universities too.