Monday, February 20, 2012


Do you consider a "Polar Bear" a human been? Do you have concerns about climate because "Polar Bears" are cute? Also, using a little bit logic, when you use your name in a news, you created a 'vulture cult' of yourself, but there's another question that need to be answered, "do you consider 'others death a tragic event'"?. Like few days ago I read someone writing like "all deaths are tragic", perspective, for the casket manufacturer isn't it. The last man that shall live on earth during the Armageddon with no doubt is the "gravedigger".

I want to interview the interviewers, infect wish i could do a documentary about the "news corporation", those corporations that are behind the scenes conspiring to promote wars to make profit, chose the "big ones with some simple questions", "why you lie?", who pay for your lies? Do you have any idea why someone is paying for your lies? and finally "do you take pills for sleep?", which ones? Simple questions just to begin, all of this with some "machiavelic" sound as soundtrack.

Like "what are your intentions?" "staying behind such figure of good man", Polar Bears are nice until you get close to them, "he" will check your size and simply eat you, so, let me see "there are people which protect potential predators", i remember a documentary maker and his company that became "bear victim" in the name of the insanity which means "a good image" for some "documentary channel", "natgeo" if i am not wrong. So let me see, nobody said to him or forced him to stay away or pick a "gun just in case", "he is nice, i don't need a gun", also, sounds like fallacy what i saw today "the morphogens research", that is why someone launched the idea of "anti-science", probably 90% of the persons that read that is figuring "what the research is talking about?", i have a clue, in 50 years they will conclude that "Web Caused irreversible mutations on Human Brain that lead them to extinction".

The "concluder": a "Cochabamba".