Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Let's be the futurist "most intelligent" on planet, "let's automatize all", games, information and texts, and, get out from the planet too, does it make sense, it is quite futurist isn't it? If everything is automatized there is not sense to remains doing nothing, just watch plutocratic news, from very well informed persons. For example "ABC", for each good thing that they have, they have recorded like "20garbage", some are fun, "chaining drugs to keep on shape", "300pounds father (how?)", and heart problems are on BPA (Business Process Audit), "boss we need more storage", like some day maybe this will be related to some other thing, "bring the records", but today and is not from today is "how maintenance affect airplanes" and "there is a change that several accidents" were intentional caused, and mainly "the roots of migraine", i am understanding now, I've started to understand "their culture".

Like, how they waste the citizens time, their "speculation on intelligence", they try to assimilate you again "trying to show like A+B, that what you see here is the same as what you see there", no it is not, the roots of "plutocracy" are on the "United Kingdom", such guys are quite "persistent" hum? Even some bands are being sponsored now "there is a war to come", there is no war and if that 2011 AG5 is real, the change of 1/650 is almost a certain and since the chance for me to remain a live until there is quite remote "the nuclear option" still remains the best thing to bet.

But isn't interesting like "how terrorists groups are serious and theatrical" and there are people that remains giving ears to them? That pose with masks and 20years bazzokas, but they are serious and "people remains betting that", I am a tourist or a journalist and nothing will happens, "It is outrageous" that was fun, the hacker that want to remain on the "comfort zone", being ironic, annotating all, like other girl that i saw those days, "being ironic with others party" like if "you bring something that you like todo" it is wrong and it is not sign of intelligence, with her dream to write an article for a large audience spam system that promote "Bath Party of the Armageddon".

A system that by the way "does not fit with their culture", but what can be said, as well you increase the understanding of something, more "distance you will want to keep from it", just like "animals transportation act", that thing looks like "kosher care", the "kosher killer tries to be nice with the animal" to not promote stress "because someone said on some monty python research" that the animal glandes fires hormones that is not good for this "desire to live like 200 years", it is on the bible there is always a hope to became a "matusalem (matchless)". Like someone wrote, why you write, i would like to ask, Why you deliberated distribute porn content? Or let people dispose images of drug dealers ramping someone head off? Did your government gave to you authorization to show all over the world such images? and finally, Are you fruit of sofa interviews?

One thing that is bad when you go to Germany, if you don't notice, is like "almost everybody" has the same stamp, the thing is so standard that became boring, that the most nice girls from there is such that have "little defects", a small big eye, or a nose not like an pig triangle, like "a small crossing between italian and germen", the Austereich girls, also another thing to notice on germany is take care and watch the turks, if exist a coward gang there are the turks.

Just a message to the Aussie band from soundcloud, don't try to make fun with me to promote your band, you mother work on the whore house to put you on the school, keep studying. hum... Something to remember (new research), why prostitutes on Germany are racists?

Need to remember too, a set up for a murder, that was fun.