Friday, November 30, 2012

A simple "blackmail" device.

It will be hard to find, a device where you do just phone calls, with no manner to install nothing, which means, no programs, apps, and other things to obligate the user to waste a lot of time. The problem is simple, the old leitmov, smart "phone" for whom? Since the "big thinkers" now are trying to sell the idea that is "more than a simple device", in fact is a manifestation of a mental problem.

The sensation of pleasure on a piece of shit, at first impression that "data collection" with localization seems the perfect solution for the user, if you walk on street you understand "the means of devices for masses", a fest of that aren't capable to look around and check the "reality" that surround it. A lot of dirty, walk pass that seems  not be designed for walk, but if you have such device on hand, such problems disappear. In the mean time, the specimen remains looking on the device, maybe on some "hope for a miracle", it will do something more that the original design.

And what is amazing, you send your location for the world, will give a shit from where the specimen is, like "do you really give a shit" if a piece of shit, from whatever country is located at the exact moment? It will provide some usefull information? really not.

Then the performance and the games inside, like actually play a game on a screen smaller than 20'' is activity for tards, "no offenses" is not personal, and all the "information space" enrichment, well "poor individuals" don't enrich nothing, don't have money neither to spend neither nothing to sell, so the information for the masses is up to your asses.

Now a small device, blocked from app install, with just a single nice function to dial, no messenger of any type this is a great device, to stimulate the memory neither a contact list, neither a dial screen, a keyboard, a dial key, and the perfect device is designed