Saturday, September 28, 2013

O figurinista, ou definindo de uma "fôrma" "Generica" -> The Archtect. -> Silvio Berlusconi shatters Italian government coalition

Who like to think that model tools shall use simple forms with no complex meaning to draw things that are better understood by machines when written. It is an step that comes first, but executed too late and the machine will understand, JC code, Java On Top Top, C code on the V.M, Old Mary, poor lady, I am not a Cheer Leader, just like to use as well a "form of expression".

"More one day on 'Paradise City" directly from Chechenia , Lucifez"
On Bat Days, "Think Big", do small things, waith that pale horse that will come and say -> tks because i am alive.'Inspiration on Music',"Force on Fingers"

The Graal, 8 Dimension Sized on Generic Parameters. Modus Savier on keyboard, remove the insertion. A nice process of Business Intelligence, remains focused with "Slave Master" signing/sing/sang the suffering.

Spaguethi suspicious, checkin code on Bible is check Math because was the only and the only book allowed and "nice to read", an ether real fight for "which book is the best?" usually, one that you have written and sold. WorkSpace of "fast and furious" knowledge. Where is the Hash on Wiki by the way, i want to refer to a specific paragraph, bumps and beggar. The man in the cave on his top of sucess think that is "an genius", take a shower, look! river is nearby, The productive genius answering "robot" spam on announces, doesn't  know the difference between spam and written code because never took a keyboard on life before, ass a í,´just a stupid pimp looking for next prize about who he will prepare to lead on disgrace".
Prostitution isn't a disgrace, according with mister Jackass and Hidden Rice, it's the American way of life.
News from the front, VM Where? promisses Spring 5.- for 2014. Worried about 'the prize on jar", well, looking for money here, where is it? Certain persons doesn't have such feeling of Dangereous, "I am tired of alll", he will live 200 years, it was just guarantee that certain problems don't happen like "weird people entering when they think that may enter", Vampirer enter here when i Invite and on certain aspect is good to listen to them, "understand the mind behind calculus errors" if you know what i am saying, Size Matters, the 2 turkish soldiers scouting us on Munich was a "walk on paradize" -15 and mister "SuperMan" removing the Coats. The most stupid thing was that i never pay to much attention on such "sync" on name like JCthenC fuck off, no excuses mister, had to put an M because charm is charm, JCthenC is too light, M from master of Normands.

Quiet Nothing, all time he bylly every body, "i don't like to watch T.V." bad memories, no, an old criminal.