Uma galinha interesseira, que quando eh pra sentar o dedo, "pede pros outros".... ;-)
package org.nanotek.lucene.history;
* his·to·ry ˈhist(ə)rē/Enviar noun 1. the study of past events, particularly in
* human affairs. "medieval European history" synonyms: the past, former times,
* historical events, the olden days, the old days, bygone days, long ago,
* yesterday, antiquity; More the past considered as a whole.
* "letters that have changed the course of history" synonyms: background,
* past, life story, biography, experiences, backstory; More 2. the whole series
* of past events connected with someone or something.
* "the history of Aegean painting" nav·i·ga·ble ˈnavigəbəl/Enviar adjective 1.
* (of a waterway or sea) able to be sailed on by ships or boats. synonyms:
* passable, negotiable, traversable; More
* W what? what will be stored in the history,
* W when?
* HOW....
* e HC eh a puta que ti pariu.
* @author josecanova et all
public interface History extends Navigable {