Friday, September 20, 2013

Project Management Hoax.

Or how to "kill someone" and make appear that was an accident, hum, for the first time, i was in a bus when a "wired very wired" event occurs, i will not tell this estory because according with an ex-girlfriend, it is too much abstract and i told like 10 times. But i will describe an event that now i understood that was a hoax and think, "why i cannot have my own gun".

Around the time of the "pigeon rank", when i was spamming on RGB i would take a walk to clear the mindset, a giant "head ache", and back to home i just crossed a policial event, like they stopping cars, asking for documents and just 200mts away, an "afro-american" man was like "intimidating" his girl (maybe was his girl and nothing like KW to linearize again) inside a cab that i presume belonged to her. The guy was very agressive, and look at 100mts from like 40 police men.

Since he behave very agressive, i came to him like "ei calm down, is something wrong", for sure, since he was mounted he came very agressive, giving a "stupid kid", and mentioned to pull a gun that was behind his back, so, the thing was a "hoax mounted" to blame my attitude and appear on some news with that "vic·tim" photo on news, if you know what i am saying. Because "donkeys" capilalize violence at maximum to try maxime a fallacy of interpretation.

Probably if i had own my gun such individual or me would be now "6 feet under by the end" and the grace of lucky at that times, he didn't pull the gun, but look how fucking shit it is, since he was "mounted" and probably the situation was mounted with a promisse of a good "profit" if the things work as planned.