Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The old recipes.

I dont know what happens, but news don't work anymore, "when i was a kid", usually we opened the "news" with some sort of form, composed by elements on cover and sections defining what the "paper user" intend to read, now with the advance of technology, the era of the digital revolution seems that have not defined a "standard model" to rout e news on "news hubs" the concept does not have a proprietary definition. It is quite sad, indeed, a chaos of "topics" that causes some sort of "mind misery". All sort of fun using "classification schemes", but the classification scheme does not work totally 100% well, It is interesing you follow trends, but never a "hub" complete the desire to not be "disturbed" by "wrong assumptions" of the presumption that the user will fight with all of your mind to filter a simple hub, which means exclude topics that "it is not interesting" on such moments of curiosity on what happens on world.

For 3 days an individual receives strong attention but for who uses the "news hub" it is like bullying, that assassin looking into your eyes while you try to think on something but at same time do other thing, like music, drop a shit, read or whatever that you like to read, there is no classification, just like video games, neither "again" the exclusion principle maxima, not that "we personally don't like something" but "empathy for some string arrangements, with image or not", cut on trends that by some magic, the topic is designated to some limbo to avoid that feeling of "depression or misery". It is a giant "challenge", you look into a "news hubble" and a classification like ESRB summed by other non invented technologies block certain types of news because they remain on top, but have satured the reader that". A simple "close this topic" and all descendants "the realtime hub block."