Tuesday, September 24, 2013


More over if i am not doing money, but i need to say, 'Slackware 64' is something amazing, if you are a 'inferior' human been you continue to use MACOS or Windows, infect with some care,'pls close chrome project' 'Konqueror is better'.

It is quite fun, for sure such things will not happen, 'they need that thing of extensions and plugins' in a browser, 'is essential for their life', also is part of their 'national values', but KDE + QT is like 10x0 on anything that they present to fuck my life last year.

First sensation is like you are navigating on cotton, the gestures are nice real nice, on start button, also on KDE nothing as should be on screen, you can screw your life 'adding widgets if you want'.

So Chrome is uselless, another 'money throw out on window', share is high, they buy the services the service companies buy their share, some limitations still on Konqueror, but since you get out of bat chat, what was that? On linux.org need an advice, 'before attempt to create a linux distro' read the manual, take some years such things of usability.

Also, another interesting thing, 'without gnome' world is better, more bright, but slackware have such problems that you are obligate to download some sources and compile, if you are such person that like to pollute your mind and waste your time.

But just by the fact that i will have to use a 'Find', and choose whatever i want to use as the time that i had jobs and considered my self a normal person, because is very critical you analyze all shit to conclude the obvious, 'red hat', suse, batch track, put all on this whatever you like, except on my computer again.

The big invention was 'Enterprise versions', like 80% of Enterprise Applications on 'normal world' are java, even if you are using a Windows OS, the carrier usually is a Java APP, if you choose something different, well, you belong of such 'special forces' that computing need all time, but what is interesting is the interface, seems that something evolute last years, and probably follow the QT slot for event processing, 'mo' to code.

See, they haven't invented the computers, neither the airplanes, infect nothing, usually they steal then they patent and said 'we have invented this'. For example they invented the biggest lie of the moment, 'turn of the light', and the only person with good sensus on world was MADVDEV, once the thing causes a gain, adjust the clock and forget the sun, btw, have you noticed all that rush and infect the time is another lie, what counts is just 'how many women you fucked and your bank account'. Noticing that you don't need to be a man for this. 'You can do like a brother or lie a dude'.

What is interesting on Slackware and infect is interesting as 'social research', is that the team is not big, it is subject of research for example, 'OS teams' from the mental aspects, the statement of direction of Slackware never changed, you download a ISO and install all there, then you read the manual to see if something is useful for you.

But i am impressed Konqueror is almost like chrome. The only defect remains on 'javascript engine' maybe, thread management, as usual an aspect that hard to keep in touch. But look what the gang did, they put 'a message on GMail' like 'upgrade your browser', but the thing is working on blogger so shall work on GMAIL, they do this to 'cheat' their intentions, that is why on Europe they hate them, this tactics are not licit, that is why Sakorzy ignores US as leading anything on NATO, they haven't enough cartoonists and practices such illicit movements trying to get time until the world understand that 'they are fake'.

Look for such aspects, good things on google aren't done by 'Americans', the president economical advisor aren't American, so America is like an asylum of loons. Small differences on javascript as usual nothing is perfect, but fonts are running, so if have the fonts and music 'it is a beggining', 'better than nothing'. This is because, all attempt to 'put Mozilla as big one', it is not that i don't like, i just don't work there, so if they die from starvation, good for me, less idiots on world.

See that the thing is not sadism, is competition for resources, a wounded guy is not motive for laugh, infect is concern, he will consume resources, food, medical things, treatment, who knows maybe will consume a good nurse, look that 'here has nano' the 'forbidden' editor. But back to the topic, if he die, then is motive for laugh, 'one less', depending on nationality 'then your day will become more fun'.

Times today shown 'the dog fight on some place lost in Afghanistan' infect persons will look and 'ow savages', not savages, 'poor dogs', 'he' is doing a hard work to feed a useless family that make money with his suffering, so if a rocket explode some of them 'don't ask for sorrow, neither complacency, they are not idiots, they just don't use your gadgets'.