Friday, September 27, 2013

Why Surrougates aren't Delegate or Interpreters.

Well Authors know, semantic differences on interpretation, a surrougate is a tuple t/t1 that satisfies the
Work always, work.

condition to not comply with classical mathematics.

 Saca soh... Eu trabalho com string cara, 1 + 1 pra mimim pode ser qq coisa.

package org.nanotek.lucene.query;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.nanotek.util.Base;

public class BaseQueryObject implements  Base<String> , QueryObject{

private String id;
private Map<String,Base<?>> queryParameters;

private SurrougateMap<String , Base<?>> pirateMap;

public BaseQueryObject() {

public String getId() {
return id;


Isso nao eh decorator, nem interpreter eh surrougate porque mudou de nome.