Stay away from search, is the only thing that they know to do right. Another poison from Dramaland, probably they are getting scared with "subliminal messages positive results", yeah bitch this is works great. For sure advertising, app-engine, and marketing a lot of marketing. Google since i could experienced, is a marketing company for this decade and beyond. Everything is marketing, forms, pages is just marketing, you don't find money in WEB. You find work, to find work you need marketing, the good thing, is that marketing demmand more work sometimes that you want to sell.
Jezz holy mother, the center of my brain is vibrato with tha new Dope spoilier. Also Google can be used as a small weapon, aka experienced this last year. Also the search is not just the box, is an application that you click a button, it executes a function of search, nearby, more powerfull than Augumented Reality since offer options. See i guess this teacher received a money from someone to say that. "Give me a tip that i say whatever you want", have they fixed the advertising of OCW or still working as 19 century?
Problem is enter the data, and enter the data has a cost, if they don't send money, nobody will enter neither update the data. It is an exchange, they spend and receive the results, actually persons pay to appear, in next apps they will send "promotions" to keep you date updated, companies already try to do this, they call you, ask for whatever name, then ask "who is talking", is easy a "promotion" keep your data up to date. As much you look to be a virus without nobody look for you, as much you will receive a vaccine. "I will spread me like a virus, then someone ask 'what do you do?'", "well nothing" "i am just spreading me". Then you took the vaccine. Another culture shock, Americans love to 'spread the word', here we don't like such shit, if you spread too much need a vaccine.
Also a giant human resources evaluation, there is no better platform to evaluate professionals. From marketing, writers, technicall writers, programmers, wider usage platform.