Sunday, January 23, 2011


The reason of the science, someone studied 30 years, to conclude that he can find a nice girl in a black hole. Now the question, what ressembles more a black hole, the image from left or right?Both are analog if you stop and use a little your imagination, with correlation index bearing 90%. Also according with Wolfram research 'the kennedies are involved in math' too. I can't forget how much letters my mom wrote to the senator 'teddy bear', i don't know why, but she was 100% sure that knew the senator somewhere. Since the letters never returned, someone received them, it is like a letter to santa, the question is, with who are such letters? This is the fun part of the "text box". If you build perfect taxonomies, aka keywords, things will not more be fun, so, the perfect system according with james cameron, is a boring normalized result curve. Also it fucks my mind, where are the desciclopedias in English?, see, for such one i could work free, war effort, against the good, well and sanity check. Also why Peyton nick is "shadal?", shadal is some nick of some murder, a pirate from India islands.