Sunday, January 23, 2011


Everything now is becaming correlated again, also, the girl on porn album ressemble this girl too, if i am not wrong, she did a movie with the girl that was found dead by overdose somewhere, the "new old Joker", if i had the money that he had, i will never be close to drugs, wtf, you have money to die as a pig alone in a hotel, "another murder". See, at least im my town the dealers are more honest, they know when not to sell to the customer. They need to keep the guy alive "as much time as possible", if the guy survive addicted by 90 years 'better', this is what the 'medicine industry looks for', put a 'you need a drug' on every person in world, no every person need food, money, electricity and fun. The fight will go until they finish the 'new catalog', and nerds drug addicted are helping 'smoking crack and working', so that is why 'pee exams need to be implemented in Brazil too', such guys need to fired, then be fucked big, having to shake the arse to get money to buy this shit.

The BOPE dilemma, such idiots spoonsor the industry, die by ~50, and pass the illusion that 'it is OK'. Another stathistics that 'the good behaved guys' don't put on their sites. Let's live the "stanford illusion", fucking all users with low cost computers, losing about 2-3 billion in the play, if this is not enough, try to invade Microsoft machines, bore the users with nice girls and also spoosoring low cost programs on MTV with Braziliens money.

Ctrl was lost, kill the caps lock is essential, instead to build a mega giant company, let's discuss, kill the caps lock.