Sunday, October 2, 2011


Things that cannot be understood until you travel around the "information space", the real meaning of cleanness. The fifty's poisoned human mind, with several things, one of them is that "trash disappears", and several hypothesis (as usual all flawn - BI phenomena), with for sure that thing named "if there is no money there is no trash", infect is the opposite, as much money you have, more possibilities to remain "clean". See that even digitally speaking, the thing remains " a truth factor", good things invented "DVD's, the backup paradigm and lockers", with this you save useless space in your computer. And look my surprise when was installed the XFCE, i take some sympathy with this WM (Widow Maker), "It is clean" as should be.
Several individuals got worried about several things on desktop, forgetting that "70-80% of their programs" are uselless, created as or an exercise, or for Business Intelligence, incredible that even with "Junior Experts" such inference became clear, "programs created to make you curious and waster your life over it". Because the basic problem remains the same, intelligence is dependent from hands or (foot in case that you don`t have hands), the only animals that became intelligent and rich using the mouth are politicians and prostitutes, and for sure their sons. So it is obvious, that without good usage of your "communication mediums", you start to get alienate *as i am* (from where the asterisk came from the keyboard now? ;-).
Back to cleanness, see that with a "defect on Window Position" and XFCE, several programs were forgotten, and after 2 years, a clean install of Slackware, not that I don't admire "Desktop Apps", i just don't like who made them, also a gain on space, GIMP, and few others will remain, see that once a time "Slackware was good OS", such tendencies to fall over "the Norway seduction", pretty useless apps, more virus than Apps them self. Such days someone said to me that Linux don`t have virus, isn't true, a Linux distro usually is built over several virus and mushrooms, with that view that everybody will remain over a computer filling formularies to feed some kind of computer monster. All in the name of bureaucracy dispatch. But all of such dispatch have a reason, create wealth where the people shall already be dead, "the population of the megacities", that is why, a "nuclear war is an acceptable solution", with fix some climate problems, eliminate several megacities, stop the growth of gorillas.
Now start another process, pick the good Linux Apps around WEB, built them, install in Slackware, and check if at end, a feasible OS can let me work again.
