Monday, October 3, 2011


Programming Language for mental disabled individuals, what can be said "i use it but don't have obligation to like it". A misc of useless statements, lack of abstraction, augumented by lack of wide view of a computer software problem, joined in a single piece of shit. The individual that supported and made money with such language is infect an artist, you remain in your life at ~cursor state~ forgetting things like, complexity, problems, and pronning errors all around. Infect is perfect understandable, provide the chance of the error, and hide it over the excuse of some "business rule". Incompetence has a new name, "business rules", this is the life of a PL/SQL programmer.
Or lose or gain, if lose, state gain, if gain everybody loses. There is a reason for such assumptions, and it is simple, what came valuable from a pig? On life just ,manure, but once dead, a lot of money, ham, the bones, and a nice funeral. See that some UNIONS are made in the wrong direction, the bad name remains and the good name vanishes, pretty sad. 2 things took my mind today, how to "unlearn computing programming PL/SQL" and few Islamic countries as Norway, Germany, and few others colonies. Checking the obvious, Microsoft is the ones trying to remove tags on W3 and what is interesting putting back on "new releases", they are "too good to accept a convention", plagues.
Exception mechanism to fight against "unnormalization", but the idea is pretty simple, with access to production systems, you start to screw your database, tons of years to develop a set of nice applications and evolute, then some individuals start to screw your life with "rounds and columns". Then with the exception mechanism you perform some good scans. Like a simple question, who trust in who? Think about it, do you really trust on someone ? Is someone with dignity of trust in the modern world? But what is worst is the "goto" and exception handling to fight "a non normalized persistent business rules", pearls of wisdom. This is all fruit of something called "time to market", persons spend more time looking the bad than the good.
Also living on Microsoft words, was said once in the time, Bill Gates is the representative of the Devil on world. A lower category, have its followers, such individuals that don't like to work correctly, living in another world, always trying to get close to the Government to understand "how to make it wrong". Infect today there is a VM there to fix some problems with the Database Programming language, but try to realize, why a database need a "programming language" that is not just a Query Processor? No need, speed? No, it is not, it is just to feed the lazyness to occupy it self with formularies, process, talk with individuals, make some phone calls, at end, see how the things work. If nothing works "nothing works", but the occupational inertia that causes the "easy to remain" there, on that small brain life proportioned by ~Larry Bellyson~, and the gang that don't like to put the hands on work is that something amazing.
Tuning on the page.