Saturday, April 28, 2012

Naif ... that was fun.

That usual walk, and a "female teenager" stops with a talk about a project, probably she didn't understood 1/10th of what i said, belonging to the greens that individuals that grow up on web, very pragmatic, 'a woman faber for the future', i told her about 'hundreds of dollars per minute (which is not a 'real truth' the individual just ignores what he/she thinks that is state obligation, divorced fro reality as usual)', look the cars, 'i don't have money', because all money are designated for projects, interest and speculation (this is a plus of 'google view' bring the hell to all on earth hum?), "we know what we are doing", sorry you don't let me pick the translate to define you better, "a chain of swindler -> schindler", because as you know this is classical, "we are the good guys", "we came here to help", no you don't, also the individual remains trying to keep them self as the good guys, some projects are designated with a specific time line, mainly for "foreigners", for those situation i had just 1 good "director estimator", he said to me 2years, "we intend that you stay here 2 years", well, that was good, time is changing systems too, new process, new systems "enhancements".

On matter of fact some systems you drop, migrate the data and rewrite the code at the cost of redesign the process, to redesign the process, you shall first understand what was done, if nobody want to say "how the old process work", then the thing take more time, on practice, the "take more time" is part of the business intelligence of "information science", "blackmail" (my 2 cents like the .40 42 was a blackmail adjustment), let's say the following, you are male, then you let someone fuck your ass, to ask a favor to not tell his wife that you are a prick, all of this is "competitive intelligence", because on practice, people really believe that "delegating to more make you better", come on, like "this 2 years" was an strategic attempt to put "we all think like we do together", stupid flat things, "copying space invaders" and "pumping the bag of the pseudo boss", that individual is a pseudo, "i started programming CGI", so what?

Have a "shell on ajax (the Nordic god inside his own lair)", remote system explorer, all good projects that need a specific context of usage, a set of "values pairs" that "once in a moment of time" indicates that "such choice maybe is good" until the next "hypothesis looker look", because according with Weber's Law, it is expected a reaction, well such reaction is "hum, we still have more time", at opposite side you have the "super organized and the total chaos", "super organized plutocracy and total chaos Apocalypse", 3 million people die from starvation, for sure, you don't know when the thing will end, then you let others die to make a good food dispensary and to be remembered as a good family man, when you born on such weird families where "sometimes someone try to kill you" just to have fun, weird fun hum? The geometry of the discord (or contention?), that thing was weird, the table of discord, see that probably someone have analysed such "situation", quite odd, all day a "honest dinner", a routine programmable that even with the music I knew the size of the belt that was waiting me when I cross the door, "with assistance for sure".

It is all programmable, i guess one of the best "benefits" of swimming free is the following, it is a specific moment of "a set of noises and coordination", the tubes are clogging and on practice "I know", It is a internal desire that such planned stupid torture had a good end, as an experience of corpse analysis for the future maybe, "manah manah", have such ones that want to live as the victorious of "what?", money is a consequence of organization, there are several types of it, from "criminals to 'honest'", i still prefer to do what i like to do, the ear disorder is a common consequence that "you are not hearing the sequence of events" that you expect, some attempts to "create parallels of another cultures", well, think about "isn't proper you say to everybody that 'you will born dozens of times' just if a singularity happens'". If such singularities are occurring means that the thing is not going well, not considering twins cases, that on theory are not the singularity on analysis, which means same set of "code in a different time period", then the thing is not going well, It is also not related with "programming code", programming code is a taylor method of "production", production systems, while I was thinking about things, everybody is with the 'acelerator', "manah manah", today was fun, measuring the balcony of my preferable place "incredible" 45cm, engineer joke, that thing on certain "contexts" is a weapon, people die in front of a 45cm balcony, the calibers also doesn't help, they create calibers at same rate that "balcony cross section", maybe 43 next time?