Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Evolutionary trees.... It's complicated.

Checking history, maybe "evolution" just starts to complicate the simple and money disappears, appear on another lands, 'paradises', and we 'don't know who', it is a quite simple strategy of 'behaviorism on opposite way' and probably the thing will not have end, just like the endless universe, but all 'subliminal messages' are just an attempt to distort your view from reality, the real reality. To keep the mind 'sane' which means focused, some efforts are done trying to bring parallels of reality observation on programming world, 'nothing else matters' except the healthy of the systems (which is a "true XOR true" on practice hum?), it is incredible how the brain can be sensitive on certain aspects of the body.

Like Cream Milk and Meat for example, heavy fat, cholesterol, it is just eat that and the clock started to tick bad and that little pain on chest appear, consequence of the 'lethargy caused by' the imagination of something that is non existent, but the interesting is the following, it is a fact like 1+1=2 that scientific works on it's good forms suffer a decay on quality some times, because some historical records aren't being considered on 'how to write good reports', some scientific works can take like 2-4 years to be modeled, others like 1day (isn't exactly science neither 'scientific article'), also sometimes the art of observation and abstraction can lead you to 'another worlds', like 'is it real that 1+1=2', jdepends, under excessive stress can became 3 or more, or even zero.

Then for example you stop to admire a vortex where a small balloon is circling, you take like 10-14min to compute what is happening there and why is happening, not like 'a wonderful world of god', but why at that moment is happening that event, all of this pass through the mind, same when you 'start to check' the things again, codes, bar codes, slopes are 'derivatives' and deltas, start making sense, now if you damage your brain like i noticed that i am losing my 'perspective due to some lesion on eye' the things acquires another dimension.

I am noticing this on some screens and objects that should not behave like 'normally' i imagine how i should see them. Where usually i just spend time working over it, now takes days like 'which is is the correct sequence of patterns that shall be applied on a specific case' like a simple swing button and the 'do in background pls', or the worker and the bind where 'somewhere' that somewhere I've lost the path. The 'too many things to work' is conjugate the real life with abstraction, "solitude" is the best world, you know that the system for example will behave 'slightly different on different platforms', things to think in a near future, like 'to establish a correct path' a simple graph with n=5 or more, take a lot of time because involves a sequence of thoughts, then you know that when the thing is finished you need to create your own program to analyse your graph for sure, over the shoulder of giants.

For example, jumping to linguistics, why 'give a walk' and not 'take a walk', well from the perspective of 'latin to english' transubstantiation of mind, you don't take, it is an act of charity to give energy for the system around, heat mainly, infect think about it, in a solo act you are sending back energy on several forms, sweat, farts and shoe soles, a fart for example, jdepending you will promote your baby side on your pants, you start as an adult and finish like a baby, fights are the same, if you win you cry if you lose, you will sleep well.

But the felling of pain it is interesting, means that your mind is working well, pain on chest, time to walk, not run neither walk fast, time to walk, because the clock is ticking bad, then after several attempts you start to increase the rhythm and became red, if you start to became blue it is not a good sign mainly in the lips, a "new era" "a head", let's try the old path again.