Saturday, March 17, 2012


Ambitious projects from a triade of universities, they will show all universe time line now, ambitious project, starting from the "big band theory", "we" already know where each particle on universe is located, we barely know exact number of deaths on world, but "we" know where are each particle on universe, what "we" don't know for example is how "such ambitious" projects started.

It is one thing called "relaxed physics", Microsoft products love such things, since the "time of the big bang" of flight simulator, Microsoft like such kind of "dreamous" projects. For online games for example they had "fighter ace", relaxed physics, so, if you know the location of "galaxies at billions of years light" on distance, you presume that you are capable to determine what happen during an event that "human race wasn't present". Isn't incredible, the race wasn't present observing, but "we" can estimate how the things happens, since the time frame of universal events are elastic.

And since "we" never observed nor became part of some extinction we know, how the universe behaves, this is rocket science, the first legalized trojan for example was SETI research, they convince a computer user for example to spend an additional energy looking for life outside the universe, infect feeding the urban imagination for a philosophical feed by beer, a Patrick's Human Discussion. And with relaxed physics and a lot of approximation you are convinced that in a single small computer, all data of a timeline of the universe can be "visualized".

I try to be pragmatic and skeptical, since you take some actors like for example Kolmogorov (which i have the lucky to own some of it's books) and Statistical approximation, then is hard to believe on several "fallacious approximation" of the cosmic behavior, the race probably will be extincted before any human put the feet on ground of Mars, so the best thing is enjoy the observation of events that occurred millions of years ago (which is what we observe from "here the polluted by gigantor chinese population (i am "part" chinese) trash planet", fallacious approximations can be compared for example with "findings of Mozart around the globe", he produced more "music" that the time that he lived on earth, so while someone try to mine the web looking for business, others produces "fallacious intelligence" about "an observable fact" that occured millions of the years ago.

For example, maybe we not know, but the universe is already being extincted, human for now just can observe part of the matter of the universe with a gross approximation on planets existence around, and what is more intriguing is that mathematics create also it's own group of fanatical believers, they are so fanatical that they create giant losses around the globe with their models and ponzi funds, nobody can explain how such "pure breed of rocket scientists produces software and hypothesis that broke banks, funds and some went to jail".

So, what "we" can say is the following, you can own a Microsoft software, but you shall consider that you are just sponsoring an evil fallacious beast of the relaxed physics.