Friday, March 16, 2012


Evaluating costs for a "head line" cover page, what surprised me today was the page on Times for "Ethiopia-Eritrea" conflict, they had all care to put a big ADS that "almost perfect fit" the news on the head line. If I am not wrong the AD was about a "university", and look "probably" they knew that something was about to occur on border, so that page had a considerable cost, a single page with a considerable cost to "join" in "almost perfect sense and balance" the news and the announce, and probably the thing was hand-written, It is "quiet" improbable that a "machine system" could promote such balance on elegance.

For such reasons that for example some editors don't felt comfortable to compete on "Google news" page with others publishers that don't invest properly on balance announces, design and news, also another quite improbable inference that a system can do without "human design" was from yesterday again from Times, the archaeological news, such "obscure senses" of interpretation cannot be created inside a "machine" without previous training, because is totally obscure the interpretation, all of such things about inference, "graphs" are completely "mysterious" for almost all publishers and marketers, the main reason for the attempt to break the consumer with massive errors, "spam", provocation, "wrong opportunism", such thing on "wrong opportunism" then on "social networks" almost bear the barbarism, like is not quite understandable participate on "manifestations" regarding holocaust on some kind of "public disrespect".

One thing is you keep alive a criminal, like "a murder on duty", other topic is you consider that something noble or "dignify" coward acts, considering that "all nazi propaganda" is exactly was is it, marketing for "masses", this is real free of speech, probably as in France people "felt offended" with individuals that don't present same characteristics of "the eyes" usually sees, all is motive to promote discord "this is another common strategy from marketing", promoting discord you separate "group of believers", for example, there are people that deny "holocaust", others really believe for example that "Israel" is some sort of holy land (like the old lady upstairs), you travel to Israel "pick a piece of sand" bring to your home, put in your room, that everything will be all right, all of such things that "surround human mind" has a root, "excessive broad casting".

Like the desire to move it on places, after radio came the television and the novels, one romantically describe a life in a big center as "a passion for the ugly", which causes that desire from the individual living on remote places to migrate to big centers, then arriving there he felt that the thing was not like "shown on TV", or the opposite, believe that on Culo del Mundo, the life will be exciting and people there fun, on fact, red necks seems like "doped with the obvious", that boring almost static talk, cynic 99% of the time. For such reasons that virtual tours, games are a perfect solution to feel the masses with joy, the individual remains "a live" there on some sort of "imaginary abyss", better than migrate and became victim of "another type of krakens", publishers don't like to talk too much about it, it is profitable and for some is considered "art", just mental exploitation.
But I imagine "how the JK opposition manager felt today" with red bull jumper promotion, that is maybe why he just went mad, It is quite hard to explain that "such things exists" are singularities on information space, "string information space indeed", the most nasty science invented by human been.